Explore 786 company actions

This is what inclusive capitalism looks like

Members of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism share their best ideas and business actions for a more inclusive and sustainable capitalism on this platform. Business leaders can explore leading private sector actions and apply learnings to their own operations. The result is the most comprehensive public platform of private sector actions that profitably create value for everyone — employees, communities, shareholders, and the planet. The commitments to action in this collection are…


Demonstrating an organization’s effort to transform its operations

forward looking

Reflecting ongoing or new effort, not a past effort or achievement


Defining clear outcome targets to allow assessment of progress

We map our members’ commitments to action against existing frameworks for change, including the World Economic Forum International Business Council’s pillars for sustainable value creation — People, Planet, Principles of Governance, and Prosperity — and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Members share progress update on their inclusive capitalism commitments

Our members know that sharing progress against these commitments is a crucial part of learning and enabling others to act. This year, the Council surveyed members who made commitments with end dates from 2021 and 2022 to ask how they have made progress in their work. Our inaugural update report explores successes and challenges companies are experiencing with action taken, provides early insights into the inclusive capitalism movement, and highlights company updates.

The platform

View hundreds of examples of how companies are pursuing business at its best and get ideas for actions you can take that can advance a more inclusive capitalism. Use the filters below to refine results by industry, geography, UN SDG, company size, and more.

Organization Priority Areas Commitment SDGs
Akfen Holding Akfen Holding’s portfolio will consist of 100% renewable energy by 2024
Akfen Holding Akfen Holding has committed to increasing its renewable energy portfolio by 2024.
Akfen Holding The holding has committed to carrying out research and planning to reduce carbon emissions in its operations by 2024.
Akfen Holding The corporation will promote sustainable consumption to its employees by increasing information and awareness by 2024.
Ambra Ambra will bring to market at least 10 different types of all-natural medicines and medical devices and products from sustainable and regenerative supply chains by 2026.
Ayala Corporation ACEN will protect and conserve biodiversity, maintain ecosystem services, and adequately manage living natural resources in our new projects and throughout the lifecycle of our power plants. We will develop a framework to measure progress by 2023.
Century Pacific Food, Inc. Century Pacific Food, Inc. is committed to achieving carbon neutrality for its coconut division by 2028.
Deloitte Global Deloitte is committed to addressing the urgent climate crisis with achievable, measurable, and science-based actions, including converting 100% of Deloitte's fleet to electric or hybrid vehicles by 2030.
Estée Lauder Companies Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, and business travel 60% per unit revenue by 2030 from a 2018 base year.
EY EY is committed to tackling climate change, having achieved carbon negative in 2021 and pledging to reach net zero by 2025. It will reduce total emissions by 40% – and remove or offset even more carbon than it emits, every year.
Heathrow Airport Ltd. Heathrow aims to operate zero carbon airport infrastructure by the mid-2030s (the airport’s infrastructure has been carbon neutral since 2019).
IBM Reduce IBM’s GHG emissions 65% by 2025 against base year 2010, adjusted for acquisitions and divestitures.
IBM IBM commits to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Aim for residual emissions of 350,000 metric tons of CO2, equivalent or less by 2030, with 90% of IBM’s electricity coming from renewable sources.
iso20400plus Ltd iso20400plus Ltd will sponsor membership, advertisement & listing of 100 organisations in the least developed countries by 2025.
Lori Dennis Inc. Lori Dennis Interior Design will promote environmental sustainability and social inclusion by working with companies who practice sustainable principals, by allocating 35% of the firms purchases to these companies in the next 24 months.
MAL Research and Development Ltd. MAL Research & Development Ltd. will promote clean energy by deploying its 300-mile range extender for electric vehicles, starting its customer network roll out in the European Union in 2021, and accelerating implementation in 2022.
Merck In 2024, we committed to a net-zero target for our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our global operations (Scopes 1, 2, and 3) by 2045, aligned with the guidelines of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
Merck Reduce company's value chain (scope 3) GHG emissions by 30% by 2030, from a 2019 baseline.
Merck Reduce our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1&2) 46% by 2030, from a 2019 baseline.
Noble Money Noble Money will achieve 100% carbon neutrality by 2025.
Patterson Construction Group Patterson Construction Group would like to become more environmentally friendly - something often overlooked in the world of construction - by reducing air pollution by 60% by 2024 and excess construction waste by 80% by 2023.
Sādu Sādu will create a net zero company culture by capping net emissions related to company flights on an annual basis.
Society 5.0 Institute Society 5.0 Institute is committing to introducing innovative circular solutions through the 'London's Circular Economy Pioneers' Campaign by inspiring 50+ businesses to join by the end of 2024.
State Street Corporation State Street will manage its carbon footprint.
VegTech Invest VegTech™ Invest is committed to animal welfare by reducing animal suffering through its invest strategies and product in the public markets which does not invest in meat and dairy companies. It will establish a plan to measure the impact by 2023.
VegTech Invest VegTech™ Invest is committed to addressing climate change through its impact investment strategy and product in the public markets. We believe the fund currently does this, and are establishing tracking measurements to quantify this by 12/1/2023.

The platform

View hundreds of examples of how companies are pursuing business at its best and get ideas for actions you can take that can advance a more inclusive capitalism. Use the filters below to refine results by industry, geography, UN SDG, company size, and more.
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Organization Priority Areas Commitment SDGs
Akfen Holding Akfen Holding’s portfolio will consist of 100% renewable energy by 2024
Akfen Holding Akfen Holding has committed to increasing its renewable energy portfolio by 2024.
Akfen Holding The holding has committed to carrying out research and planning to reduce carbon emissions in its operations by 2024.
Akfen Holding The corporation will promote sustainable consumption to its employees by increasing information and awareness by 2024.
Ambra Ambra will bring to market at least 10 different types of all-natural medicines and medical devices and products from sustainable and regenerative supply chains by 2026.
Ayala Corporation ACEN will protect and conserve biodiversity, maintain ecosystem services, and adequately manage living natural resources in our new projects and throughout the lifecycle of our power plants. We will develop a framework to measure progress by 2023.
Century Pacific Food, Inc. Century Pacific Food, Inc. is committed to achieving carbon neutrality for its coconut division by 2028.
Deloitte Global Deloitte is committed to addressing the urgent climate crisis with achievable, measurable, and science-based actions, including converting 100% of Deloitte's fleet to electric or hybrid vehicles by 2030.
Estée Lauder Companies Reduce Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, and business travel 60% per unit revenue by 2030 from a 2018 base year.
EY EY is committed to tackling climate change, having achieved carbon negative in 2021 and pledging to reach net zero by 2025. It will reduce total emissions by 40% – and remove or offset even more carbon than it emits, every year.
Heathrow Airport Ltd. Heathrow aims to operate zero carbon airport infrastructure by the mid-2030s (the airport’s infrastructure has been carbon neutral since 2019).
IBM Reduce IBM’s GHG emissions 65% by 2025 against base year 2010, adjusted for acquisitions and divestitures.
IBM IBM commits to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Aim for residual emissions of 350,000 metric tons of CO2, equivalent or less by 2030, with 90% of IBM’s electricity coming from renewable sources.
iso20400plus Ltd iso20400plus Ltd will sponsor membership, advertisement & listing of 100 organisations in the least developed countries by 2025.
Lori Dennis Inc. Lori Dennis Interior Design will promote environmental sustainability and social inclusion by working with companies who practice sustainable principals, by allocating 35% of the firms purchases to these companies in the next 24 months.
MAL Research and Development Ltd. MAL Research & Development Ltd. will promote clean energy by deploying its 300-mile range extender for electric vehicles, starting its customer network roll out in the European Union in 2021, and accelerating implementation in 2022.
Merck In 2024, we committed to a net-zero target for our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across our global operations (Scopes 1, 2, and 3) by 2045, aligned with the guidelines of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).
Merck Reduce company's value chain (scope 3) GHG emissions by 30% by 2030, from a 2019 baseline.
Merck Reduce our operational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (Scope 1&2) 46% by 2030, from a 2019 baseline.
Noble Money Noble Money will achieve 100% carbon neutrality by 2025.
Patterson Construction Group Patterson Construction Group would like to become more environmentally friendly - something often overlooked in the world of construction - by reducing air pollution by 60% by 2024 and excess construction waste by 80% by 2023.
Sādu Sādu will create a net zero company culture by capping net emissions related to company flights on an annual basis.
Society 5.0 Institute Society 5.0 Institute is committing to introducing innovative circular solutions through the 'London's Circular Economy Pioneers' Campaign by inspiring 50+ businesses to join by the end of 2024.
State Street Corporation State Street will manage its carbon footprint.
VegTech Invest VegTech™ Invest is committed to animal welfare by reducing animal suffering through its invest strategies and product in the public markets which does not invest in meat and dairy companies. It will establish a plan to measure the impact by 2023.
VegTech Invest VegTech™ Invest is committed to addressing climate change through its impact investment strategy and product in the public markets. We believe the fund currently does this, and are establishing tracking measurements to quantify this by 12/1/2023.
What are you doing for a fair and sustainable economy? Share it with us.

We invite leaders of every business, of all sizes and across sectors and geographies, to join us and contribute initiatives and actions to this platform. By sharing how you operate your business to support a more equitable and sustainable economy, you multiply your impact by helping others recognize actions they can take.

Sign up now, and share your actions.

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Leaders of every business, of all sizes and across sectors and geographies, contribute to this movement. What is your best idea or action for inclusive capitalism? Join us, and share it with our community.

The Council for Inclusive Capitalism does not provide investment advisory services or products. Any statements located on our Site should not be construed as or relied up on as investment advice.  Please see our Terms of Use for more information.

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Filters can be used one at a time or in combination. Your results will become more specific as you add additional filters. The number in parentheses behind any filter category is the number of commitments to action with that topic tagged.

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Use the Search box to browse by any keyword, such as company name or an issue area you care about.

The Sustainable Development Goals filter lists all 17 SDGs from the United Nations to which our members’ commitments to action are mapped. Check one or more boxes to find ideas for a specific goal or goals.

The Priority Areas filter allows you to find commitments to action based on the World Economic Forum International Business Council’s (WEF IBC) four pillars for sustainable value creation. Each pillar has a series of themes within it. Choose a pillar for a broader search and add one or more themes for a narrower focus.

The Industry, Region, HQ (Headquarters) Location, and Size help you search for commitments by the kind of organization that made them. Size of company refers to number of direct employees. HQ Location and Region can help you find companies that operate in places near you. Industry can help you find topics of interest aligned with your organization’s mission.