iso20400plus Ltd will sponsor membership, advertisement & listing of 100 organisations in the least developed countries by 2025.
We have an SPSC Ambassador initiative, which globally promotes sustainable procurement & supply chain. It is FREE for individuals & charities, however paid for for-profit organisations.
Under this commitment, we will offer our paid service FREE to 100 organisations in under developed countries defined by United Nations. Link is
Under this goal, organisations can gain in following manner:
- Opportunity to get recognised through awards & accolades like badge, medal, cup, trophy, shield, crown, etc.
- Use of SPSC logo on their website, marketing material, advertisement, etc.
- Provides sustainability identity by adding SPSC logo in marketing campaigns, email signature, packaging, etc.
- Provides genuine sustainability identity through the ambassadorship certificate with ambassadorship number and QR code, which is easily verifiable by anyone.
- Gain sustainability experience through sustainability projects, which can be added on your CV and/or LinkedIn profile.
- Enhanced company and brand credibility and reputation.
- Opportunity to learn from and network with other sustainability experts.
- Develop coaching skills by mentoring other sustainability enthusiasts or students. This is to support UN SDG Goal 4 Target 4.7
- Build sustainability credentials by associating with UN SDG by supporting UN SDG Goal 12 Target 12.6 by promoting sustainability assessment and/or reporting.
- FREE listing of SPSC Ambassador in our directory for SPSC Ambassadors.
- FREE functional ambassadorship (one certificate per month). It cost £100 per certificate to non-SPSC Ambassadors.
- FREE advertisement/listing of SPSC Ambassador’s organisations in websites - &, if the organisation publicly supports sustainability. It costs up to £100 to non-SPSC Ambassadors.
- FREE online sustainability workshop & webinar participation to either share knowledge or gain knowledge. This is a paid service for non-SPSC Ambassadors.
- FREE online workshop training for your employees on Sustainable Procurement & Supply Chain. For others, the cost is £100+ per person.
- FREE online workshop training for your employees to be an ESG & Sustainability assessor. For others, the cost is £100+ per person.
- FREE guidance to employees to gain sustainability related FREE certifications from United Nations through online self-paced courses. For others, the cost is £100+ per person.
- FREE guidance to integrate your organisation with United Nations’ SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals). SPSC charges £5000+ to non-SPSC Ambassadors.
- FREE online workshop training for your employees to compare & understand various Sustainability & ESG certifications & ratings. For others, the cost is £100+ per person.
iso20400plus Ltd will measure progress by tracking the number of sponsored membership, advertisement & listing with a goal of 100 organisations in least developed countries by 2025.