MAL Research & Development Ltd. is a private UK company commercializing a new power system known as MAAPS (Metalectrique Advanced Aluminum Power System - Metalectrique Mission). MAAPS is a rotary semi-fuel cell which uses ordinary aluminum as a "fuel" in a safe, chemical reaction to produce power. The Al-Air fuel cell has been around since the mid 1960s, but our CEO Trevor Jackson modified the electrolyte chemistry to remove both the technical and cost barriers to its commercialization. This is the key IP.
MAL is also developing a 300 mile range extender for existing electric vehicles (EVs) in conjunction with a European vehicle service partner company. This range extender (we call it "t-REX") will enable a typical EV to drive for about 450 miles, and is likely to accelerate sales of these vehicles, plus decrease the number of charging points.
MAL is in revenue with multiple license negotiations in multiple territories. We anticipate an initial system roll out in Q4/2021.
Key technology features include:
- Very high energy content. Lithium-ion (LiON) batteries have about one ninth the energy for the same weight as MAAPS. MAL has repeat-tested full-scale prototype cells to 1500 miles range
- Very low original equipment manufacture costs. LiON batteries cost around $180/kWh, MAAPS costs around $36/kWh
- Very low driver cost. LiON batteries cost around £0.50/mile (inc. battery amortization), MAAPS costs £0.08/mile (full cycle)
- Our key IP solves the historic commercial and technical problems with Al-Air batteries, namely: high hydrogen production, gel formation, high heat production and high cost per mile
- Zero CO2 operation
- Fully recyclable