Vinny Tafuro

| Institute for Economic Evolution

| Founder

Vinny Tafuro, Founder & Author. Vinny is a founder of the Institute for Economic Evolution. A polymath and curious by nature, he is a pioneering advocate for the twenty-first-century economy that is disrupting society’s rigid institutions and beliefs. Vinny’s economic and foresight projects explore the societal and economic shifts being catalyzed by human culture as a result of technology, corporate personhood, and evolving human cognition.

An engaging and energetic speaker, Vinny presents on a variety of topics both professionally and through community outreach. He enjoys an active and blended professional, academic, and personal life, selecting challenging projects that offer opportunities for personal and professional growth.

He is the author of Corporate Empathy and Unlocking the Labor Cage

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Our Council Members

Paul Rissman

Farah Spencer

Gregory Racz

Andrew Watson

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