
Achieving a Just Transition:
Framework for Company Action

Support local development initiatives for communities dependent on assets

Key Activities

  • Invest in development of local communities and workers, establishing ongoing funds to provide community grants or loans, and direct redistribution of ownership of assets to communities.

  • Work with local communities to implement initiatives creating sustainable employment opportunities.

  • Develop policies and initiatives supporting local communities through transition towards sustainable energy assets.

See it in action

Investment in livelihoods

ACEN guided by its Environmental & Social (E&S) Policy, focuses on investing in communities. AC Energy commits to establishing grievance mechanisms as early as possible in project development phases.

ACEN also commits to conducting rapid assessment to determine if involuntary resettlement or economic displacement will occur because of a project. In the case of economic displacement, ACEN will compensate for lost assets and access to assets at full replacement cost, and provide opportunities to improve—or at least restore—their means of income-earning capacity production levels and standards of living.

Investment in education
Eni has a long-term 2030 goal of ensuring access to quality and inclusive education for all students from local communities. Within this aim, the company has outlined current progress and short-term and medium-term targets.
As of 2020, 4,526 students are attending schools that were renovated and improved by Eni services. By the end of 2021, Eni aims to have 6,180 students attending schools renovated and with services improved by Eni. Finally, by 2024, the company hopes to have 61,125 students from local communities and schools.
Investment through project partners

Repsol works in partnership with international organizations such as the UNDP (United Nations Development Program) to carry out social investment projects that improve the quality of life of local communities.

Each year, Repsol carries out between 450 and 800 social investment projects in the different countries where it operates, investing around 40 million euros. In the 2020-2025 period, they have set an objective to benefit more than 800,000 people through our social investment projects.

Enhancing human and natural capital
Eni is committed to not only exporting but also to enhancing the countries’ resources. For instance, by allocating gas production to the local market to promote access to electricity.
Eni is committed to ensuring access to quality and inclusive education for local communities, guaranteeing between 2021-2024, almost 67,300 students attending schools.  Ensuring access to quality and inclusive education for all children is a key priority for ENI. Eni also develops education initiatives starting from the pre-primary to postgraduate level to ensure that young people are well prepared and ready to face the big challenges and contribute to their country.

Who's measuring these actions?

We provide alignments with popular progress assessments to offer context and connection within the broader Just Transition movement.

World Benchmark Alliance

Just Transition Indicator 3 Metric c: Company demonstrates the measures it takes to create and provide or support access to green and decent jobs for workers and other affected stakeholders

Transition Indicator 5 Metric d: Company demonstrates how it contributes to addressing the impact of the low carbon transition on affected stakeholders’ social protection in the contexts in which it operates

Just Transition Indicator 6 Metric d: Company demonstrates advocacy, directly and/or indirectly through trade associations and/or employer’s organizations, for just transition policies and regulations that enable generation of green and decent jobs and the retention, education and reskilling of workers and/or social protection of workers and affected stakeholders at local, national and/ or international level.