Nando Knodel

| HempConnect GmbH

| Co-Founder and Managing Director

Nando is Co-Founder & Managing Director of HempConnect GmbH and an international fellow at ChangemakerXchange, a global community of 1000+ of the world’s most dedicated young social innovators, and activists from 100+ countries. During 4 years of experience in the hemp sector, he specialised in Agronomy and Life-Cycle-Assessment of hemp. His expertise in the carbon removal sector comprises carbon accounting and certification, impact forecasting, as well as engineering of net-negative projects. Nando holds a B.Sc. and M.Sc. degree in Business Administration from the University of Hamburg and Kyoto University, Japan. He served as research assistant for Global Social Entrepreneurship, Media Management & Economics, and has 5 years experience in market research, data analytics and forecasting.

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Nando's Insights

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Our Council Members

Michael Hilb

Flory Wilson

Nina Del Marr

Sanmi Olowosile

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