Mitchell Rabin

| A Better World Foundation

| CEO & Founder

The founder and CEO of ABW, Mitchell Rabin, has a varied background from Stress Management Consulting, Counseling and Acupuncture to being an international speaker, writer, consultant and eco-entrepreneur.

He believes that media and socially-minded, environmentally-conscious business, committed to eco-sensitivity and reducing the carbon footprint while generating a moderate profit are the main drivers of change on the planet.

As a result, ABW consults to CEO’s of start-up companies in the eco-/ESG and wellness spaces, and promotes breakthrough, paradigm-shifting technologies that contribute to reversing Global Warming.

Associated Organizations

Mitchell's Insights

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Our Council Members

Thasunda Brown Duckett

Brian Moynihan

Brian Moynihan

Jonathan Hu

Cliff Prior

Join Fellow Leaders

Leaders of every business, of all sizes and across sectors and geographies, contribute to this movement. What is your best idea or action for inclusive capitalism? Join us, and share it with our community.