A Better World Foundation
A Better World Foundation was incorporated in 2017 in the State of Florida as a 501c3.  Its primary place of business is New York. A Better World is an umbrella organization comprised of a few different activities in order to sensibly work toward the fulfillment of its mission. The first area is Conscious Media. A Better World on Public Access TV has been on the air in NYC and other parts of the country weekly since 1993. Mitchell has been on Radio since around 1990, now podcasting on Spotify  Anchor, Blog Talk Radio and other digital venues.  A Better World also has a growing presence on Youtube. To watch the interviews or to listen to the podcasts, will give one a taste of how progressive-minded media can help to educate, evolve and uplift our fellow brothers and sisters to a more conscious living. A Better World Media with host Mitchell Rabin, has a library of over 1,500 interviews with thought leaders across inter-disciplinary fields. From eco-entrepreneurs to cutting-edge scientists, healers, spiritual teachers, writers, filmmakers, scholars, green economists, futurists, the sung and the unsung heroes of society all the way to forward-thinking Presidential candidates of several parties have been and are guests on A Better World. Another area of ABW’s focus is on Conscious Business.  It seeks to advance the vital role of the visionary entrepreneur in today’s society which requires treating all employees, as well as Mother Earth, with dignity and respect. A Better World’s CEO, Mitchell Rabin promotes the view of multiple bottom lines: employee/management wellness, a sense of purpose and meaning, well-being and a moderate, monetary profit, all the while maintaining carbon-neutral practices.  This is the direction the entire business community needs to move in more robustly Mitchell is found frequently discussing. In regard to Global Warming, business is called upon to calculate, in all operations, how to reduce its pollution and its carbon/methane/cfc footprint while aiming for zero waste and generating practices and products toward sustainability. As part of ABW’s eco-biz activity, it is now working with a Nicolai Tesla-based company to produce carbon credits to award those who have been preserving their land and those who are utilizing energy-saving practices in their buildings (Solar, Ceramic Film tech., etc.) to reduce their carbon footprint. Generated carbon credits are helping to bring much-needed funding to indigenous communities, protecting wildlife and endangered species around the world. As consultant to CEO’s of largely green start-ups and fund-raiser, Mitchell helps to bring these technologies forward to generate credits and clean up pollution while moving toward a renewable energy-based, regenerative and sustainable economy. Working closely with the CEO of Blue Power Systems, a renewable energy-based micro-utility, a total, off-grid system, with the CEO of Tesla Climate Capital, President of a premium lawn seed co., is on the Board of CarePoint Solutions, on the Advisory Boards of The Source of Synergy Foundation, All-Faiths Seminary, World Water Rescue Foundation, Hazel Henderson’s Ethical Markets and the Emerald City Project. In its Store’s website at www.abetterworld.net, are a series of products which promote health, peace, mental acuity, and a series of self-empowerment tools to help people create a better, healthier and delightful life. “Do good and do well” is one of ABW’s central themes. Another area Mitchell focuses on through ABW is Stress Management Consulting, Counseling and the use of advanced frequency healing software technologies.  With clients from around the world, Mitchell has helped individuals, couples and groups have much richer, healthier lives as he facilitates their personal development and well-being. In conjunction with heading up this modest but forward-thinking organization, Mitchell is President of The Institute for Global Education, an ECOSOC level NGO at the U.N. IGE will be working hand-in-hand with A Better World and other orgs. to promote education around solutions to Global Warming, creating peace and ending Global poverty. As an international speaker, Mitchell has hosted/MC’d international conferences including at the U.N. and has taught and moderated panels in numerous venues. Mitchell also writes articles for what was formerly known until recently as Wall St. International, now Meer, an on-line publication with over 5,000,000 subscribers. In sum, A Better World works to deal with serious challenges facing our planet today. By using media, business it seeks to make meaningful contributions to the world and make a difference to the bettering and upliftment of society. As we are able to afford bringing on young interns to assist in A Better World’s digital expansion, we will continue to grow globally.


A Better World’s mission is to bring forward a unique form of education to create health, peace, sustainability and well-being for people and planet. www.abetterworld.net

Mitchell Rabin

CEO & Founder, A Better World Foundation

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