Sally Uren

| Forum for the Future


Sally oversees Forum for the Future’s mission to accelerate transformation to a just and regenerative future. This involves working with global businesses such as HSBC and Walgreens Boots Alliance, as well as a wide range of other non-profit, membership and philanthropic organisations. This work takes the form of both one to one partnerships and multi-stakeholder collaborations, all designed to address complex challenges in systems as diverse as from food to apparel. Sally has recently contributed to Forum’s ‘Business Transformation Compass’ – a guide to just and regenerative business, as well as co-authored ‘Driving Co-Benefits for Climate and Health’, private sector guidance for developing integrated climate and health strategies.  Sally is a regular speaker at international conferences and has had articles published in a wide variety of media outlets. She is an independent advisor on Advisory Boards for several global businesses including M&S, Kimberly Clark and Burberry and also Co-Chair of the Independent Advisory Group for Travalyst, the global travel and tourism collaboration led by the Duke of Sussex.

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Our Council Members

Giridhar Srinivasan

Thomas Schumann

Stacey Epperson

Amelia Lopez Huix

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