Wanona Satcher

| Mākhers Studio


Wanona Satcher is CEO/Founder of Mākhers Studio, LLC a for-profit green manufacturing firm and design-build studio. As a social enterprise her team is dedicated to developing what she calls “prosilient communities.” Over the course of her career she’s served as an urban designer with a focus on equitable housing policy, landscape architect designer, city planner, economic developer, art curator and theater producer. Wanona holds Economic Development and Finance Professional Certification from the National Development Council in small business development and real estate development. Wanona was a Neighborhood Development Specialist and the project manager for the Durham Urban Innovation Center within the City of Durham, North Carolina. In 2020 Wanona was selected as Inc Magazine’s 100 Top Female Entrepreneurs,  In 2013 she was also a semi-finalist for the Bloomberg Philanthropies Mayors Challenge, attended Aspen Institute/CityLab 2.0 and was chosen as a national Next City Vanguard’s Top 40 Under 40 program. She’s has been featured in the Huffington Post. Wanona is the first African American to receive a Master of Landscape Architecture degree as well as dual Masters degrees in community planning and landscape architecture from Auburn University and currently sits on the Advisory Council to the Landscape Architecture Program at Auburn. In Fall 2020 Wanona graduated in the Dartmouth College Tuck School of Business Executive Education Diversity Business Program. She was also selected as a 2020 SOCAP Game-Changing Founders of Color and a 2021 SheEO Venture Finalist! Wanona is currently a Summit Fellow and a 2021 Forbes Next 1000 Honoree.

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Clive Aldred

Ira Coleman

Marcio Viegas

Marcio Viegas

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