Pelin Akın Özalp began her career at Deutsche Bank Madrid after graduating from Surrey University in the United Kingdom. After a year at TAV Airports Holding, she moved to the Holding company and has been a Board Member at Akfen Holding for a decade now. She has been actively involved in fostering inclusive growth, social inclusion, and promoting equality and diversity since the beginning of her professional career. She was the youngest deputy board member both at the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey (DEİK) and then the Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD), focusing on innovation and inclusive economic growth. As a board member of the Turkish Business Women Association (TİKAD) and the Association of Women in Boards of Directors (YKDD), she has also actively contributed to the target of promoting gender equality and diversity. Pelin has also been serving as President of her family’s TİKAV (Turkish Human Resources Education and Health Foundation) and Vice President of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award-Türkiye National Committee, which focuses on inclusive youth education. She is currently a Board Member of Akfen Holding, as well as as a Board of Directors of Akfen Renewable Energy, Akfen REIT, Istanbul Sea Buses (İDO), and Travelex, while leading the transition to a more socially and environmentally conscious business, and shaping a sustainable future in the world.