Mr. Palmer is the CEO at RAIS, Inc. a company dedicated to inclusivity of all investors into the capital markets, and a Managing Director for Springlake Partners, a family office with a collection of specialized operating platforms and select investments in the real estate, financial services, and hospitality sectors. Prior to co-founding Springlake Partners in 2023, Mr. Palmer led Guggenheim’s efforts in structuring and managing the Business Development Companies that Guggenheim advises. Mr. Palmer has been involved in the investment management business for over 15 years, focusing on designing, building, distributing, and managing non-traded REITs and non-traded BDCs. Before joining Guggenheim, Mr. Palmer led the BDC team of W. P. Carey, where he oversaw and built their first registered investment advisor, as well as their first suite of non-traded BDC products. These products increased from zero percent market share by sales in 2014 to #1 market share in 2017. Prior to W. P. Carey, Mr. Palmer led new product design for CNL Financial Group and was instrumental in the design, management, and growth of Corporate Capital Trust, a non-traded BDC advised by CNL and sub-advised by KKR. Mr. Palmer received his BBA with a concentration in marketing from The University of Texas at Arlington and his MBA with a concentration in finance from the Crummer Graduate School of Business at Rollins College.