Innocent Havyarimana

| GLAP Enterprises

| CEO and Founder

Innocent Havyarimana Domitien is 39 years old, Burundian living in Kakuma camp since May 2013. He is married with two sons. He left his home country in 2013, fleeing persecution from as Burundi was falling into a dark period of instability.

A committed to life-long learner and community work. Innocent completed trainings in record keeping, customer care, family therapy, SGBV, child protection, introduction to entrepreneurship, trading, business success, employees and employer work, community and business development, and holds a diploma in business administration from REGIS University, a Bachelor’s degree in business administration from Southern New Hampshire University. He currently is undertaking an online Master’s degree with Swansea University.

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Our Council Members

Aisha Williams

Takeshi Niinami

Iyad Abumoghli

Nisaba Godrej

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