Celine Charron

| Leader Éveillé

| Co-founder

In a world that is increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous, helping to cultivate the inner resources of leaders has become more and more important to Celine Charron.

Celine has been an entrepreneur committed to the path of mindfulness for many years. For more than 20 years, she has owned companies specializing in employer marketing and technological platforms for human resources management professionals. All that was made possible thanks to the collaboration of exceptional teams.

For several years, Illico Hodes, one of the companies she managed, organized an annual event for the business community called  “The importance of People”.

In 2010, Celine joined some partners to create “Parrainage Québec-Burkina Faso (PQBF)” to support the schooling of young girls in this country and, in 2017, VINLGRE, a social enterprise in micro-credit, still in Burkina Faso.

For years, Celine has been a member and friend of the Maison des Leaders in Quebec. She has accompanied participants in the programs “Better human, better leader” and more. Celine offers mindfulness training and leaded daily guided meditation sessions for a private group of leaders on FaceBook Live.

After selling my business, she found myself a bit unsettled. She felt the need to pursue her spiritual path in a structured setting. So, she started a 2-year training course (Mindfulness Meditation Teacher Program, or MMTCP) to study and practice mindfulness. She received my teacher certification from UC Berkeley in 2020.

Today, Celine is dedicated to deepening her knowledge and transmitting it. Teaching mindfulness and the importance of loving kindness and, very importantly, developing the quality of her relationships.

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Our Council Members

Frederic Barge

Jonathan Hu

Shan Ul Haq

Derek Handley

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