Monica Vigues-Pitan

| Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc.

| Chief Executive Officer

Monica Vigues-Pitan is Chief Executive Officer of Legal Services of Greater Miami, Inc, which provides legal assistance to Miami-Dade and Monroe Counties’ low-income residents. Monica is passionate about ensuring the promise of equal justice for everyone in our community. She is responsible for a staff of more than 60, including 30 attorneys. Prior to assuming this position, Monica was with the agency for 15 years and served as Director of Program Development where she led the agency’s efforts in developing collaborative partnerships to ensure access to legal assistance. Additionally, she was also Advocacy Director of the Health and Income Maintenance Unit, which handles public benefits, access to healthcare, special education, tax, limited family law matters and other civil law areas affecting the low-income community. Monica practiced mostly in the area of public benefits law, concentrating on Medicaid issues. She has represented clients in the appellate level in both state and federal courts. Monica is a graduate from the University of Miami School of Law.

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