MPAC's Mantra is C4: Culture X Capital = Community Change
Certain markets have become more crowded with capital, as larger and larger pools of capital have moved into traditional spheres of venture capital, private equity, and credit.
We have been forced to operate in areas where capital is more scarce. Our cultural acumen enables us to succeed between the cracks. We know how to adapt quickly, and with conviction, as well as apply knowledge gained in scaling from negative to one. We make opportunistic investments outside of traditional alternative mandates.
Whereas traditional investors tend to operate one 1 specific area, i.e. a focus in real assets, credit, or private equity, MPAC takes a more comprehensive view on underserved ecosystems. We find the most interesting, undervalued opportunities, totally agnostic of industry, asset class, or structure in the capital stack.
We provide creative, flexible, nimble capital of many variations. We tailor authentic business development to capital and cultural needs. Typically, in emerging communities of Color, traditional financial services and investing has a negative correlation to authenticity. We filter decisions primarily through the lens of authenticity—of purpose, of spirit, of opportunity, and thus of viability.
We are differentiated by depth across industries, asset classes, geographies, and sectors, thus make well-informed investing decisions. We think creatively and entrepreneurial, with a hall of fame kaleidoscope of professionals, flexible in mind and spirit. We #MPACTheWorld through democratizing access to capital and contracts for diverse Movements, Ventures, and People. We partner with Public, Private, and Philanthropic institutions to catalyze underserved ecosystems. We #MPACTheWorld through enfranchising Billions of people and powering the world’s first Quadrillion dollar economy.
In 2020, Hip-Hop works include:
"Cross" - Economic/Racial/Spiritual Justice Anthem.