Camila Siles

| Birus

| General Director

Business and Economics professional from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Afterwards, she graduated from the Executive Master of Arts and Social Sciences (University of Sydney), where she focused her line of studies and thesis on Sustainability.

During the 5 last years, she has helped many companies from various industries to generate triple impact, staying at the forefront of the highest global sustainability standards.

Previously, Camila spent three years in the Ministry of Social Development of the chileans government.

Associated Organizations

Camila's Insights

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Our Council Members

Parag Ghosh

Henrik Jones

Samer Yousif

Picture of Mohamed Khaoiri

Mohamed Khaoiri

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Leaders of every business, of all sizes and across sectors and geographies, contribute to this movement. What is your best idea or action for inclusive capitalism? Join us, and share it with our community.