Amb. (QS) Sanmi is a Sustainable Professional, Green Ambassador, and a Climate Activist. He is the current Chairman of the Board of Sustainable Green Environment Initiative, the President of the African Network of Green Ambassadors, and Nigeria Country Representative for Foundation for Climate Restoration. He holds both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from the Federal University of Technology, Akure, Nigeria. He holds certifications in ISO 14001:2015 – Environmental Management Systems (EMS), ISO 45001:2018 – Principles of Occupational Health and Safety management systems, and Sustainability and Climate Change. He has published research papers on Sustainable Construction as Lead Author in International conferences and has facilitated in several high-level forums. He is a Fellow of the African Network of Green Ambassadors, and a Certified Ambassador by Climate Change Africa Opportunities (CCAO), he is currently a constituency member of the United Nations Major Group for Children and Youth (UN-MGCY), YOUNGO, Commonwealth Youth Climate Network (CYCN), SDG7 Youth Constituency, a member of the African Network of Young leaders for peace and Sustainable Development (ANYL4PSD), and also a professional member of the Green Building Council of Nigeria. Sanmi is United People Global Sustainability Leader and proudly a United People Global Champion. He was awarded with Certificate of Merit Award by Ministry of Works and Transport Sokoto in Nigeria in the year 2016, and also made the Top Three SocialPreneur of the year by FOYA Awards 2021. Sanmi is a thought leader with experience in leading over 500 young professionals in more than 26 African Countries. Sanmi loves playing his trumpet and dazzling on the keyboard, if Sanmi is not on the construction site, he is either playing his musical instrument or you’ll find him Acting for Nature.