Village Development Organization (VDO) is a non-profit, non-political, and non-governmental organization working for the empowerment of neglected communities in Sindh Province, Pakistan. It was formed by Human rights Activists, Social Workers, Development Professionals, Technocrats, and Economists of Sindh in 1993. VDO was registered under Societies Act-XXI (1860) on 05th May-2009. After the proper registration, VDO developed a partnership with donor agencies and implemented more than 31 projects and programs, on WASH, Livelihood Improvement, Human Rights, Women Rights, Child Rights, Peace, Education, Rehabilitation of Flood Affected People, and Democratic Governance through capacity building of women elected representatives, voter education, registration and monitoring and observation of the electoral process.
Goals & Objectives:
1) Promote women political participation through capacity enhancement, opportunities to contest elections and develop inter or intra linkages with democratic institutions.
2) Provide livelihood support to women, monitory and youth groups to set up small scale businesses.
3) Contribute to enhance capacities of rural communities regarding climate resilience and risk reduction.
4) Facilitate creation of alternative market channels, collective bargaining systems through network of small scale institutions and organizations.
5) Provide technical and financial support for livelihood-based community physical infrastructure.
6) Promote quality health and education services in the area through policy advocacy.