SUST4IN, the sustainability experts and activists, are a "micro-multinational" based out of Madrid with clients and partners in more than 10 countries.
We provide information, training, consulting, and assurance services around the following themes:
Strategic: Sustainability Strategy & Compliance, including the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); Sustainable/ESG Finance and Relationship with Investors, including Sustainability/Green Bonds; Stakeholder Engagement; Sustainability Reporting (GRI Standards, EU Directive, SASB, CDP, RobecoSAM DJSI, TCFD).
Operational: Circular Economy/Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14041, EU Package); Corporate Water Stewardship, including our pioneer work on Water Footprint (ISO 14046, WFN Manual, WBCSD Global Water Tool); Corporate Carbon Management (SBT, ISO 14064, ISO 14067, GHG Protocol, TCFD); Management Systems (ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001).