We commit to making our technologies, particularly in the field of Asthma and Allergy, more affordable, and accessible to at-least 4 million patients in Africa and other developing nations by the year 2028.
The two devices with which we will begin to make this commitment apparent is our Inhaler Assist device as well as our Reloadable Adrenaline Auto Injector device.
The inhaler assist device will make the use of Metered Dosage Inhalers more accessible and easier to use. The device has the potential to improve clinical outcomes. The Reloadable Adrenaline Auto-Injector makes the treatment for Anaphylaxis more affordable, more clinically effective and safer.
We will continually monitor improvements in patient healthcare outcomes through our network of clinical partners. The core healthcare outcomes we will focus on is adherence to medication usage and improvements in quality of life.