Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
Founded in 2002, the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre is a critical global source of information on business and human rights, whose website seeks to draw attention to the social and environmental impacts of over 10,000 companies worldwide, in 10 languages, in an effort to promote corporate accountability and transparency. The Resource Centre's website is relied on by civil society, business, investors, governments, and the UN, and includes the organisation's research, guidance materials and examples of good practice, to highlight the human rights responsibilities of business and to support civil society in pursuit of corporate accountability. The Resource Centre works globally through its worldwide teams of researchers and analysts, with specific focus on Labour Rights, Just Energy Transition, Accountable Digital Technologies, Corporate Legal Accountability and Civic Freedoms and Human Rights Defenders.


We work to strengthen partners, allies, and movements so that our collective work ensures that businesses respect and advance human rights, and build shared prosperity through greater equality. We seek to build, analyse, and deploy evidence to influence decision-makers in governments and businesses towards effective laws, regulation, and norms that transform exploitative business behaviour into a rights-respecting economic model. We amplify and support the voices and works of partners, allies, and movements to drive accountability for abuse.

Phil Bloomer

Executive Director, Business and Human Rights Resource Centre

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Data / June 2023
Transition Minerals Tracker

Business & Human Rights Resource Centre’s Transition Minerals Tracker is updated annually to monitor the human rights implications of mining for six key minerals for renewable energy technologies and batteries: cobalt, copper, lithium, manganese, nickel and zinc.

Availability : Free
SDG Focus Areas :
Operational Tools Toolkits and Manuals / June 2023
Strengthening Modern Slavery Responses: Good Practice Toolkit, Australia

Based on several years of collaborative research, this Good Practice Toolkit provides guidance for businesses on core aspects of human rights due diligence and how to strengthen their responses to the Australian Modern Slavery Act (MSA). Drawing on our findings on how companies are responding to the MSA and conducting human rights due diligence, we identified two areas of business practice that are notably weak: Engagement with stakeholders and Engagement with suppliers.

The toolkit provides guidance on how to approach these areas as part of a broader human rights due diligence process and highlights good practice examples from both reporting entities and other businesses.

Availability : Free
SDG Focus Areas :

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