Tintley will promote safety of its workers and the society that they interact with with by supporting the management of the workers mental health on virtual conferencing platforms during transitioning to remote working as a new normal by 2022.
Promote empathetic behaviour during the new normal and global lockdown. This will include strategies for inclusive commenting, discussions, and engagement planning to ensure all workers feel safe while achieving professional success.
Target to have a cohesive remote workspace, across at least four African countries by 12 August 2022. We have acquired real estate interests to support transitioning into some countries and provide centralised WiFi, however until the virtual workplace becomes easier to manage by 12 August 2022 from a mental health perspective, the expansion of capitalism tends to be limited.
Target to have the company CEO personally moderate at least one webinar per year starting, by 10 December 2021, displaying the values of an inclusive workplace. This specific webinar should be freely accessible to the public and the Council shall be invited.