Ideos Institute

Ideos Institute is a global leader in the field of Empathic Intelligence, equipping leaders — motivated by their faith and values — to build their own authentic empathy skills and play a leading role in the creation of redemptive solutions with others. We believe empathically intelligent people are formed and informed by a process that includes the cognitive, relational, and sacrificial forms of empathy. These individuals grow in their commitment to the well-being and development of both self and others, AND see them as not mutually exclusive. Empathic Intelligence (or EmQ) is a necessary skill for any redemptive leader looking to transform their community, organization, or culture. As a global leader in EmQ, Ideos has developed a unique, transformative process in which leaders gain new insights and empathic understanding that leads to ideas unconsidered or deemed impossible in its absence.


As a redemptive organization, Ideos Institute’s work is dedicated to understanding the theological roots and neuroscience of empathy; the role it plays in relationships, culture, and society, as well as in leadership and decision making; and, its power to transform the major challenges of our time. The challenges we face today and will continue to face tomorrow, are bigger than any one of us. They are bigger than our institutions and any one community or people group. Their solution will require unity and a shared commitment to action and sacrifice. Their solution will require empathy.

Christy Vines

CEO & President, Ideos Institute

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