Respect Human Rights by implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in its own operations and expects its business partners to respect the Human Rights
Realize Eni’s vision on human rights, built on the dignity of every human being and on companies’ responsibility to contribute to the well-being of local individuals and communities.
Eni is committed to respecting human rights by implementing the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in its own operations and expects its business partners to respect the human rights with regard to the activities assigned to or carried out with them as well as to the activities they may carry out in Eni’s interests.
Eni focuses its approach and management system on the identified salient human rights issues related to its activities that are grouped in 4 areas: human rights i) at workplace; ii) in business relationship; iii) in security services; and iv) in hosting communities. For each of this cluster Eni is implementing risk-based models to identify the possible impacts and the way to manage them properly in order to safeguards right-holders in a continuous improvement perspective and by progressively extending the scope of its human rights due diligence process to additional business areas. Eni uphold the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights (VPI) and it is committed to implementing them as Engaged Corporate Participant.
Eni is committed to being accountable and transparent on its approach by participating at the main initiatives on human rights and transparency (e.g. Corporate Human Rights Benchmark, the Workforce Disclosure Initiative), publishing annually Eni for Human Rights (a thematic report) and submitting an annual Communication on Progress (CoP) to communicate its efforts to support and uphold the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.