Established in 1913 to provide secure retirement benefits to California’s public school educators from prekindergarten through community college, the California State Teachers’ Retirement System is the largest educator-only pension fund in the world and the second largest pension fund in the United States. Today, CalSTRS provides retirement, disability and survivor benefits to California’s more than 980,000 public school educators and their families. As a world-class financial services institution and state agency, CalSTRS’ unique organizational culture emphasizes customer service, accountability, leadership and respect for our members and colleagues.
Since 2004, we have actively integrated climate-oriented solutions into the CalSTRS Investment Portfolio. We focus on developing and implementing effective engagement and advocacy strategies that promote alignment with the global transition to net zero. We are committed to influencing public policies and regulators and calling upon the companies in which we invest to be more vigilant in their integration of climate risk management considerations. We interweave sustainable goals into our everyday business practices at every level of our business operations.