Council members share progress update on their inclusive capitalism commitments
Good business has always been about companies profitably evolving to address market demand and meet people’s needs. Members of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism recognize that inclusive and sustainable practices strengthen their business, and also benefit the customers, employees, vendors and communities that make up capitalism’s value chain. These leaders come to the Council to share their actions and experiences as commitments on our platform. They also come to learn from the actions and experiences of others and incorporate best practices to drive greater business value, resilience, and social benefit.
The Council for Inclusive Capitalism’s commitments platform is a comprehensive repository of private sector actions and resources for the practice of inclusive capitalism, and today features more than 730 time-based and measurable commitments.
Our members know that sharing progress against these commitments is a crucial part of learning and enabling others to act. This year, the Council surveyed members who made commitments with end dates from 2021 and 2022 to ask how they have made progress in their work.
In our inaugural update on members’ progress, we explore how representative Council members are advancing their commitment goals. The update leads with high-level assessment of successes and challenges companies are experiencing with action taken and provides early insights into the inclusive capitalism movement. A complete readout of all progress our members have shared is included.
Our member’s experiences and insights will guide the Council’s onward initiatives to support company learning, innovation, and adoption of inclusive capitalism practices.
Click to download and read the May 2023 Update.