Trevor Jackson

| MAL Research and Development Ltd.

| Chairman

Trevor Jackson is a mechanical dngineer and has spent most of his 30+ year career in design and development. He was sponsored by Rolls Royce & Associates Ltd. and graduated with a 2:1 B.Sc.(hons) after which he worked for RR&A designing and developing innovative nuclear reactor repair equipment. Trevor held a Short Service Commission as a Lieutenant in the Royal Navy in both surface ships and ballistic missile submarines as an Engineer Officer and gained a Post Graduate Diploma in Nuclear Reactor Technology. After a further seven years running an engineering team in British Aerospace working on batteries and fuel cells for submarine propulsion, Trevor moved into independent consultancy work and in parallel developed a revolutionary power system which is half-way between a fuel cell and a battery. Trevor developed this IP independently.


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Benny Igwebe

Peter Ngunyi

Ted Sun

Ittira Davis

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