Roomi Saeed Hayat

| Institute of Rural Management

| Chief Executive Officer

Dr. Roomi Saeed Hayat is Chief Executive Officer Institute of Rural Management, with a 38 years of experience working in the Government and Non-Government sectors of Pakistan and his areas of expertise include rural development, women empowerment, environment and poverty reduction.

Dr. Hayat is Chairman of IUCN Pakistan National Committee, he is the founding Chairman of an international think tank Human Resource Development Network (HRDN). He is a member of the Board of Directors of the Rural Support Programmes Network (RSPN).

Dr. Hayat specializes in livelihoods and poverty reduction with strong expertise in fostering Community Based Organizations, developing need based innovative livelihoods programmes, and formulating short cycle employable vocational and technical skills training. He has designed and conducted over 500 short- and long-term training programmes in more than 20 countries and has extensive multi-disciplinary experience of managing and executing donor funded projects including UNDP, ILO, USAID and World Bank with a special focus on livelihoods, rural development with gender as a cross cutting theme.Dr Hayat holds multiple degrees including a Master’s of Science from New Jersey Institute of Technology, USA and another Master degree in Rural Sociology from the NWFP University of Agriculture, Peshawar, Pakistan and Doctorate in Anthropology from Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

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