Prasad Modak

| EMC Pvt Ltd

| Executive President

Prasad Modak holds a B.S. in Tech (Civil Engg), M.S. in Tech (Environmental Science and Engg) from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Bombay and a Doctor of Engg (Environmental Engg) from Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok.

Dr Modak was a Professor at Centre for Environmental Science & Engineering at IIT Bombay (1984-1994) and later as Professor (Adjunct) at the Center for Technology Alternatives in Rural Areas (CTARA) (2009-2017). He is currently the Executive President of Environmental Management Centre LLP (EMC) and Director of Ekonnect Knowledge Foundation.

Dr Modak has worked with almost all key UN, multi-lateral and bi-lateral developmental institutions in the world. These include the World Bank, IFC, Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank, UNEP, UNIDO, UNDP, DFID, Swedish and Dutch Embassies in New Delhi etc and intergovernmental organizations such as the Asian Productivity Organization, Tokyo.  Apart from Government of India and various State Governments, Dr Modak’s advice is sought by Governments of Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Mauritius, Thailand and Vietnam.

Dr Modak was a member of Indian Resources Panel at Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change and currently is a Member of Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement at the Ministry of Finance.

Dr Modak has published several books on environmental management. His book on EIA for Developing Countries was published by UN University (1999) and later reprinted by Oxford University Press (2005). Later, this book was translated in Chinese and Japanese. His book “Environmental Management Towards Sustainability” was published in December 2017 with CRC Press of Taylor and Francis Group. His latest book on Practicing Circular Economy for the CRC Press was released in June, 2021.

Dr Modak publishes his blogs regularly and can be accessed at

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