Nicola Isidoro Martorano Filho graduated from the University São Paulo (USP) with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in Logic. As a professor and research coordinator at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), he worked in environmental simulations where he developed and obtained the patent for the ECM – Compact and Modular Station for sewage treatment, which can be installed on uneven terrain and regions with difficult access points. For this initiative, he was awarded the São Paulo Medal, in the category “defense of the promotion of life and human dignity”. Currently he serves as the CEO of NM2 and leads the Technological Development Unit, responsible for water management at the Technology Park in São José dos Campos, São Paulo. Prior to his time at NM2, he was a senior researcher at LABOPLAN – Laboratory of Territorial and Environmental Policies of the USP in issues involving environment and territory.