Nick Harinos

| 180 Degrees Consulting

| Global Chief Executive Officer

Nick first joined 180 Degrees Consulting (180DC) as project manager at the Stockholm branch in 2017. He was fascinated by how 180DC created a direct means to create impact in the community by donating one’s time to support local charities and it was this that led him to be a part of the Global Leadership Team since 2017. Holding various leadership roles within External Relations, Nick currently leads the organisation managing a virtual team of 90+ volunteers across 30 countries. Originally from Athens, Greece, but living and working in Stockholm at an education technology start-up, Nick is extremely passionate about social impact and in particular on how we, as individuals, can use our core strengths and skills, to do good in this world!

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Our Council Members

Gene Rokytsky

Layal Jebran

Camila Siles

Yeşim Seviğ

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