Mauricio Chavarria

| Amie Partners LLC

| Chief Executive

Mauricio Chavarria is an executive with more than 20 years of experience leading strategic communications and sustainability initiatives that transform lives, enhance reputation, and secure corporations’ social license to operate.

Mauricio’s private-sector experience includes marketing and communications roles in multinationals such as Philip Morris, SABMiller, The Coca-Cola Company, and other Latin American companies.

Since 2009, he has started leading social and environmental projects for SABMiller in El Salvador and supporting the communications of Coca-Cola’s global sustainability partnerships in Atlanta. After relocating to Washington, D.C., he started collaborating with GETF, leading the Replenish Africa Initiative’s digital communications, and championing the creation of a new signature water community project (Aliados por el Agua) sponsored by the Coca-Cola Foundation to facilitate water access and hygiene in Latin America through inclusive and collective action.

Mauricio holds a bachelor’s degree in Business and Economics, an MBA from Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona (Spain), and executive studies in Global Management (Thunderbird School of Global Management), Public Relations (University of Cambridge), Design Thinking for Social Impact Partnership Design (Georgetown University), and ESGs.

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Miles Benham

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Peter Nicholson

Fran Seegull

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