Jonathan Scaccia

| The Dawn Chorus Group

| Principal

Dr. Scaccia is the Principal of the Dawn Chorus Group. He is a community psychologist and evaluator with 20+ years of experience working in community-based settings. His career began as a substance-abuse counselor in North Philadelphia. He was heavily involved in taking treatment outside of the office and into the community. He has extensive experience helping organizations select, adapt, implement, and evaluate community-based improvement interventions. Dr. Scaccia was one of the initial developers of the R=MC2 readiness model. His current research focuses on developing comprehensive methods to evaluate quantitative and qualitative differences in organizational readiness and enhancing strategies that can help to build readiness. Dr. Scaccia works toward developing practical implementation science techniques that are usable by front-line practitioners through facilitating the use of evidence-based implementation support strategies. Dr. Scaccia also founded the research synthesis website PubTrawlr. He received his Ph.D. in clinical-community psychology from the University of South Carolina and completed a research fellowship in the US. Dept of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health’s Public Health Systems, Finance, and Quality Program.

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