Jacob Hill

| Offploy CIC

| Managing Director

As the son of two police officers, Jacob was brought up ‘on the right side of tracks’ so-to-speak – he was forever taught right from wrong, given every opportunity in life and encouraged to pursue his dreams.

It wasn’t until his first business, The Lazy Camper, went into financial ruin that he made a choice to sell drugs at a music festival. He was arrested and sentenced to 28 months in prison. He thought he wouldn’t be a ‘typical’ prisoner but when he was in there he met so many individuals from all walks of life who had made poor choices and ended up in the same place. It was the people inside prison who didn’t think any employer would take them seriously despite their eagerness to find work that inspired him to start Offploy. He believes that if an employer met someone, listened to their story they could probably relate to it and would find it easier to look beyond most convictions.

Someone gave him a second chance on his release and he hopes to be able to do the same for others coming out of prison too.

Jacob formed Offploy after his release from prison. He actually wrote the plan for the business from his prison cell and pitched the idea to Nigel (one of the board) members on his release. He agreed to support Jacob and Offploy was incorporated as a community interest company in May 2016.

As well as being Managing Director at Offploy, Jacob is now also a member of the Board at Social Value UK.

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Piergiorgio Bassi

Les Cowie

Alexandre Mars

Bryan Van Stippen

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