Jack Beauregard

| The Wisdom Company

| Founder/ CEO

Jack Beauregard is the founder and CEO of The Wisdom Company.

Thirty-three years ago, when Jack was going through a significant life transition, he experienced transcendence, the highest level on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, not self-actualization. Starting then, Jack began to apply the insights he had discovered, that if certain principles are fundamental to the operation of the universe, they could also provide the framework for him to transform his life.

After years of working for major medical companies such as Johnson and Johnson and Pfizer, Jack created the first cost containment medical device company in the United States, which operated in 42 states and had a large national salesforce. At the same time, Jack enrolled as a graduate student at Harvard, where he researched the seven principles which provide a higher model for living and doing business. He integrated the principles of this new balanced model with the academically researched characteristics of wisdom. During this time, Jack’s 34-year-old wife died of cancer, resulting in his leaving his company to care for his two-year-old son. For the next eight years, Jack continued to do research and development in applying the seven principles he called the Balanced Paradigm and applied the principles to transform behavioral medicine organizations. Jack then used them to the “soft issues,” the people and cultural issues associated with mergers and acquisitions. At that time, Jack heard many owners say that they had no idea what they were going to do next after leaving their companies. Seeing a business opportunity that would involve much less travel, Jack applied the seven principles to help owners fill their post ownership lives with new meaning and purpose. He then applied the seven principle methodology to help people going through significant life transitions such as retirement, divorce, and losing a loved one. He also used their transitions as opportunities to gain experiential wisdom through the process.

The Wisdom Company’s programs help business owners and executives apply the seven principles to make robust, wise decisions for their companies and develop the art and skill of wisdom to experience success in the “new normal”/post-pandemic environment.




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