Frederik Otto

| The Sustainability Board

| Founder

Frederik Otto is the founder and executive director of The Sustainability Board (TSB) an independent non-profit organisation, supporting sustainable leadership and governance.

Frederik is a leader in consulting multinational companies on organisation and human capital strategy with over 15 years of experience. He now focuses his advisory work on sustainability and ESG. Since 2019 he has undertaken extensive research in partnership with a contributor network of board directors, chairs, advisors, and academics how businesses and boards are responding to their stakeholders’ sustainability agendas. TSB’s research is cited by some of the world’s most renowned business schools and corporate advisors.

Frederik further co-hosts the ‘Leadership Conversations by TSB’ podcast where he interviews world leaders in sustainable leadership. He is a member of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, and a fellow of Salzburg Global Seminar.

Frederik has written articles for several leadership and governance resources such as Board Agenda, Ethical Boardroom, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance and others.

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Takeo Harada

Yeşim Seviğ

Presley Tan

Bryan Van Stippen

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