A graduate of St. John’s College in Santa Fe New Mexico, where he earned a double major in mathematics and philosophy, and of the Marine Corps Officer Candidate School, Doug has devoted his life to service. He was a Benedictine monk for 20 years, and was concurrently a teacher and Math Department Chair at Santa Fe Prep.
Profiled in media outlets such as the New York Times, Kiplinger’s, CNBC, Entrepreneur, and The Street, Doug brings a unique perspective to the world of finance. He strives to bring the highest ethical ideals into alignment with the best of money management techniques.
Doug is an industry thought-leader in sustainable investing. He built the first environmentally sustainable retirement plan for any school or non-profit, and is the author of, From Monk To Money Manager: A Former Monk’s Financial Guide To Becoming A Little Bit Wealthy – And Why That’s Okay.
Before becoming a monk and teacher, Doug worked as a legal analyst for Los Alamos National Labs. Doug is a marathon runner, yoga enthusiast, and avid gardener. He continues to work as a pro-bono financial advisor to low-income families, which he has done since 2005 and has won awards for his weekly volunteer efforts at St. Elizabeth’s Shelter for the homeless in Santa Fe.