Carolina Suarez

| Latimpacto


Passionate Latin American, mother of two teenagers, and always willing to encourage and strengthen collaborations. She enjoys reading and lives in gratitude for her family and her work.

Throughout her career and as an expert in the social sector, she has played a strategic role in the international arena, promoting effective transformations through knowledge sharing and partnership building. She is a reference in strategic approaches to philanthropy and is frequently invited to participate in high-level international debates and publications on private social investment.

She is a member of the Editorial Committee of Alliance magazine, the board of the Colombian National Advisory Council on Impact Investment, and IC Fundación. She served for more than 6 years (2012-2018) on the Board of WINGS – Worldwide Initiatives for Grantmaker Support.

She holds a law degree from Universidad del Rosario in Colombia and an LLM in International Business Law from Bond University in Australia. Carolina has more than 16 years of experience in private social investment and philanthropy. She is Colombian and lives in Bogotá. She speaks English and Spanish.

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Our Council Members

Chastity Lord

Carmen Correa

Jose Teodoro Limcaoco

Aditya Singh

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