Explore 786 company actions

This is what inclusive capitalism looks like

Members of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism share their best ideas and business actions for a more inclusive and sustainable capitalism on this platform. Business leaders can explore leading private sector actions and apply learnings to their own operations. The result is the most comprehensive public platform of private sector actions that profitably create value for everyone — employees, communities, shareholders, and the planet. The commitments to action in this collection are…


Demonstrating an organization’s effort to transform its operations

forward looking

Reflecting ongoing or new effort, not a past effort or achievement


Defining clear outcome targets to allow assessment of progress

We map our members’ commitments to action against existing frameworks for change, including the World Economic Forum International Business Council’s pillars for sustainable value creation — People, Planet, Principles of Governance, and Prosperity — and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Members share progress update on their inclusive capitalism commitments

Our members know that sharing progress against these commitments is a crucial part of learning and enabling others to act. This year, the Council surveyed members who made commitments with end dates from 2021 and 2022 to ask how they have made progress in their work. Our inaugural update report explores successes and challenges companies are experiencing with action taken, provides early insights into the inclusive capitalism movement, and highlights company updates.

The platform

View hundreds of examples of how companies are pursuing business at its best and get ideas for actions you can take that can advance a more inclusive capitalism. Use the filters below to refine results by industry, geography, UN SDG, company size, and more.

Organization Priority Areas Commitment SDGs
Able City Able City will support the community by inaugurating a three-week paid fellowship in 2022. Fellows will be freshmen and sophomores at local community colleges; no previous experience required. Underrepresented groups will be encouraged to apply.
Able City By 2025, Able City will train 100% of architectural and planning associates to perform life cycle analysis on all projects; employees will be expected to educate and persuade clients to adhere to a high standard of climate stewardship.
Acceset Acceset will focus on improving access to quality relationships for each acceset user by measuring the average number of friends made per user with a target value of 1 (from a baseline of 0) by 2025.
Acceset Acceset will focus on improving access to quality relationships for each acceset user by measuring the average number of friends made per user with a target value of 1 (from a baseline of 0) by 2025.
Ad Maiora Ad Maiora will promote inclusivity by achieving 50% of women employment, while maintaining equal pay, by 2021.
Ad Maiora Ad Maiora's team is the breathing heart of our organisation. We want to enhance the quality of life of the workforce by dedicating 20% of employees' time to personal and/or professional development by 2022.
Aequales Aequales is committed to advancing gender equality and diversity in corporations increasing 3 points on their general average score on PAR Ranking 2025.
Agronomics by G Squared Land Management AGRONOMICS will promote diversity in the workplace finding the best person for roles regardless of any other factor by evaluating skills and talents. We use validated assessment tools to ensure we hire the best candidate.
Agronomics by G Squared Land Management AGRONOMICS using proximity location of the farm to remove the need to transport crops. Research has shown that fresh crops in transport lose over 50% of their nutrient values. We process day of harvest to ensure high values.
Akfen Holding Akfen Holding commits to providing free and high-quality technical education for people regardless of their religion, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds by 2024.
Akfen Holding Akfen Holding is committed to promote and improve gender equality, reduced inequalities, and transparent work processes by establishing measurable goals by 2024.
Akfen Holding Akfen Holding will provide sustainability/climate action training to all its employees by 2024.
Alpha Sigma Capital Alpha Sigma Capital will lift people out of poverty by investing $100,000 in a blockchain company with the mission of inclusive banking and investing by the end of 2021.
Altais By 2028, Altais has set a goal to achieve patient satisfaction as measured by a '30' Net Promoter Score (NPS).
Altais By 2028, 75% of Altais' patients will have completed annual assessments to determine health status and needs, meeting or exceeding industry benchmarks.
Altais By 2028, Altais has set a goal that 70% of their patients will be able to schedule appointments with physicians within 30 days.
Anglo American Anglo American's vision is for all children in our host communities to have access to excellent education and training with schools in host communities performing within the top 30% of state schools nationally by 2025.
ARED GROUP INC ARED is committed to bridging the digital and energy gap that exist in Africa, our goal is to provide digital and energy access to over 10 million people. Will be able to indirectly create over 10000 micro-entrepreneurs in the next 5 years.
Astrid Astrid's technology will enable 10 million young learners by 2025 to become fluent, confident English speakers, thereby opening up the global talent market and supporting a path to a brighter future.
August Leadership August Leadership is committed to advancing gender parity on a global scale and creating and supporting an inclusive leadership culture within the ecosystem.
Aviva Aviva Plc aims to meet their ambitions by the end of 2023, we will continue to support all our communities with a strong focus on our set target of 40% women in senior management.
Aviva Aviva Plc aims to meet their ambitions by the end of 2023, we will continue to support all our communities with a strong focus on our set target of 12.5% ethnically diverse senior leadership.
Aviva Aviva Plc aims to run 3 inclusion programmes annually aimed at boosting diversity.
Ayala Corporation Ayala will support full and productive employment and decent work for all and equal pay for work of equal value by ensuring employment remuneration is 10 to 20% above the industry average through Ayala Corporation.
Baobabooks Education Sàrl Our business model is to provide our platform to schools for an annual fee based on the number of users. We provide our platform for free to schools from under-served geographies with a goal of 50 schools using our platform for free by end of 2022.
Bayer AG By 2030, we will enable 100 million people in underserved communities to access everyday health. We want to change this through the availability of appropriate products and education.
Bayer AG By 2030, Bayer AG will provide 100 million women in low- and middle-income countries with access to modern contraception. We want to strengthen the role of women and intensify our efforts in modern family planning.
Bayer AG By 2030, we will help 100 million small holder farmers in low- and middle-income countries to produce enough quality food for themselves and others. We are helping by improving access to knowledge, products and services.
BELEAP BELEAP® is committed to diversity and inclusion and will actively promote women to at least 30% of leadership positions by 2023 and seek to attract 60% of independent professionals across age groups, expertise, ethnicity, and gender by 2025.
BELEAP BELEAP® is committed to the importance of lifelong learning and especially applied micro-learning on the job by incentivizing participation in certification programs for at least 30% of our independent professionals by 2023.
Bellen Management Consulting, O.P.C. Encourage our clients to employ the marginalized or provide them with opportunities via spin-off social enterprises as part of their sustainable ESG initiative by 2024.
    Better2Earth, Ltd Better2Earth, Ltd will promote health & well-being by providing 50m3/day of safe drinking water to the community of Iseyin by the end of 2023.
    Birus Birus will have diversity and equaility, which includes maintaining 50% of women on their workforce.
    Boston Consulting Group (BCG) BCG is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, including by ensuring a 40% global female representation annually and 40% female representation among entry-level new hires to our consulting teams yearly.
    Boston Consulting Group (BCG) BCG is committed to advancing racial equity across racial and ethnic identities facing societal inequality and injustice by investing $100 million into talent resources by 2025.
    Bowmans Bowmans commits to donating ZAR 2.8 million per annum for each of the next three years towards supporting secondary schools in underrepresented and underprivileged communities and running a Bursary Programme open to university students.
    Bowmans Bowmans commits to advancing racial equity across racial and ethnic identities facing societal inequality and injustice by increasing the pool of law schools from which it recruits by 2023.
    bp In the UK, bp has launched a framework for action on racial injustice implementing commitments across transparency, accountability and talent through 2020 and 2021.
    bp In the US, bp has launched a framework for action on racial injustice implementing an initial set of commitments across transparency, accountability and talent through 2020 and 2021.
    bp We aim to enable a just transition for the workforce by driving education and employment initiatives and programmes with industry partners. We plan to publish 2025 and 2030 metrics and targets/aims for the initiatives and programmes in 2023.
    bp By 2025, we aim to systematically manage human rights impacts, monitoring, and remedy, in consultation with affected peoples, and assess quality of community relationships by priority bp sites and businesses, with plans for those under the threshold.
    bp We will support our workforce through fair wage and remuneration, developing and reporting 2025 and 2030 targets for fair wage and remuneration to be published in 2022.
    bp We aim to achieve a more diverse, inclusive workplace culture and employee experience, disclosing progress against 2025 DE&I ambition, implementing action plans to address priority disparities, and integrating DE&I into talent strategy.
    bp We aim to make customer experiences more inclusive by assessing the inclusivity of our customer experience, identifying priority disparities, and implementing action plans by 2025.
    C-Gate Consulting Group C-Gate Consulting Group will commit to guiding senior leaders through change and uncertainty prompted by innovation, transformation, and pivotal global occurrences fostering an environment of equity, inclusivity, diversity, and optimizing multi-generational- and cultural workforces.
    Office of the California State Treasurer We commit to helping people with disabilities realize the opportunity to save and grow their money in tax-advantaged accounts by increasing program enrollment in CalABLE by 250% by December 2030.
    Office of the California State Treasurer We are committed to providing a retirement savings program for private sector workers whose employers do not offer a retirement plan by aiming to enroll hundreds of thousands of actively contributing participants into CalSavers by 2023.
    CalPERS CalPERS is committed to Talent Management and Diversity. We plan to increase employee engagement survey score average related to diversity and inclusion by 1.6 percent annually (8 percent by 2022).
    Capdesia Capdesia is committed to a safe, healthy, equitable, and rewarding work environment by regularly reviewing internal and portfolio company HR performance for a "good" internal Net Promoter Score (NPS) with a three-year target of "excellent."
    CE-IV(Certainty in Venture) CE-IV is committed to fostering diversity and increasing the representation of African Female CEOs in technology start-ups on a global scale. Within our portfolio, our goal is to 20% female representation.

    The platform

    View hundreds of examples of how companies are pursuing business at its best and get ideas for actions you can take that can advance a more inclusive capitalism. Use the filters below to refine results by industry, geography, UN SDG, company size, and more.
    Filter by...
    Organization Priority Areas Commitment SDGs
    Able City Able City will support the community by inaugurating a three-week paid fellowship in 2022. Fellows will be freshmen and sophomores at local community colleges; no previous experience required. Underrepresented groups will be encouraged to apply.
    Able City By 2025, Able City will train 100% of architectural and planning associates to perform life cycle analysis on all projects; employees will be expected to educate and persuade clients to adhere to a high standard of climate stewardship.
    Acceset Acceset will focus on improving access to quality relationships for each acceset user by measuring the average number of friends made per user with a target value of 1 (from a baseline of 0) by 2025.
    Acceset Acceset will focus on improving access to quality relationships for each acceset user by measuring the average number of friends made per user with a target value of 1 (from a baseline of 0) by 2025.
    Ad Maiora Ad Maiora will promote inclusivity by achieving 50% of women employment, while maintaining equal pay, by 2021.
    Ad Maiora Ad Maiora's team is the breathing heart of our organisation. We want to enhance the quality of life of the workforce by dedicating 20% of employees' time to personal and/or professional development by 2022.
    Aequales Aequales is committed to advancing gender equality and diversity in corporations increasing 3 points on their general average score on PAR Ranking 2025.
    Agronomics by G Squared Land Management AGRONOMICS will promote diversity in the workplace finding the best person for roles regardless of any other factor by evaluating skills and talents. We use validated assessment tools to ensure we hire the best candidate.
    Agronomics by G Squared Land Management AGRONOMICS using proximity location of the farm to remove the need to transport crops. Research has shown that fresh crops in transport lose over 50% of their nutrient values. We process day of harvest to ensure high values.
    Akfen Holding Akfen Holding commits to providing free and high-quality technical education for people regardless of their religion, gender, and socio-economic backgrounds by 2024.
    Akfen Holding Akfen Holding is committed to promote and improve gender equality, reduced inequalities, and transparent work processes by establishing measurable goals by 2024.
    Akfen Holding Akfen Holding will provide sustainability/climate action training to all its employees by 2024.
    Alpha Sigma Capital Alpha Sigma Capital will lift people out of poverty by investing $100,000 in a blockchain company with the mission of inclusive banking and investing by the end of 2021.
    Altais By 2028, Altais has set a goal to achieve patient satisfaction as measured by a '30' Net Promoter Score (NPS).
    Altais By 2028, 75% of Altais' patients will have completed annual assessments to determine health status and needs, meeting or exceeding industry benchmarks.
    Altais By 2028, Altais has set a goal that 70% of their patients will be able to schedule appointments with physicians within 30 days.
    Anglo American Anglo American's vision is for all children in our host communities to have access to excellent education and training with schools in host communities performing within the top 30% of state schools nationally by 2025.
    ARED GROUP INC ARED is committed to bridging the digital and energy gap that exist in Africa, our goal is to provide digital and energy access to over 10 million people. Will be able to indirectly create over 10000 micro-entrepreneurs in the next 5 years.
    Astrid Astrid's technology will enable 10 million young learners by 2025 to become fluent, confident English speakers, thereby opening up the global talent market and supporting a path to a brighter future.
    August Leadership August Leadership is committed to advancing gender parity on a global scale and creating and supporting an inclusive leadership culture within the ecosystem.
    Aviva Aviva Plc aims to meet their ambitions by the end of 2023, we will continue to support all our communities with a strong focus on our set target of 40% women in senior management.
    Aviva Aviva Plc aims to meet their ambitions by the end of 2023, we will continue to support all our communities with a strong focus on our set target of 12.5% ethnically diverse senior leadership.
    Aviva Aviva Plc aims to run 3 inclusion programmes annually aimed at boosting diversity.
    Ayala Corporation Ayala will support full and productive employment and decent work for all and equal pay for work of equal value by ensuring employment remuneration is 10 to 20% above the industry average through Ayala Corporation.
    Baobabooks Education Sàrl Our business model is to provide our platform to schools for an annual fee based on the number of users. We provide our platform for free to schools from under-served geographies with a goal of 50 schools using our platform for free by end of 2022.
    Bayer AG By 2030, we will enable 100 million people in underserved communities to access everyday health. We want to change this through the availability of appropriate products and education.
    Bayer AG By 2030, Bayer AG will provide 100 million women in low- and middle-income countries with access to modern contraception. We want to strengthen the role of women and intensify our efforts in modern family planning.
    Bayer AG By 2030, we will help 100 million small holder farmers in low- and middle-income countries to produce enough quality food for themselves and others. We are helping by improving access to knowledge, products and services.
    BELEAP BELEAP® is committed to diversity and inclusion and will actively promote women to at least 30% of leadership positions by 2023 and seek to attract 60% of independent professionals across age groups, expertise, ethnicity, and gender by 2025.
    BELEAP BELEAP® is committed to the importance of lifelong learning and especially applied micro-learning on the job by incentivizing participation in certification programs for at least 30% of our independent professionals by 2023.
    Bellen Management Consulting, O.P.C. Encourage our clients to employ the marginalized or provide them with opportunities via spin-off social enterprises as part of their sustainable ESG initiative by 2024.
      Better2Earth, Ltd Better2Earth, Ltd will promote health & well-being by providing 50m3/day of safe drinking water to the community of Iseyin by the end of 2023.
      Birus Birus will have diversity and equaility, which includes maintaining 50% of women on their workforce.
      Boston Consulting Group (BCG) BCG is committed to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion, including by ensuring a 40% global female representation annually and 40% female representation among entry-level new hires to our consulting teams yearly.
      Boston Consulting Group (BCG) BCG is committed to advancing racial equity across racial and ethnic identities facing societal inequality and injustice by investing $100 million into talent resources by 2025.
      Bowmans Bowmans commits to donating ZAR 2.8 million per annum for each of the next three years towards supporting secondary schools in underrepresented and underprivileged communities and running a Bursary Programme open to university students.
      Bowmans Bowmans commits to advancing racial equity across racial and ethnic identities facing societal inequality and injustice by increasing the pool of law schools from which it recruits by 2023.
      bp In the UK, bp has launched a framework for action on racial injustice implementing commitments across transparency, accountability and talent through 2020 and 2021.
      bp In the US, bp has launched a framework for action on racial injustice implementing an initial set of commitments across transparency, accountability and talent through 2020 and 2021.
      bp We aim to enable a just transition for the workforce by driving education and employment initiatives and programmes with industry partners. We plan to publish 2025 and 2030 metrics and targets/aims for the initiatives and programmes in 2023.
      bp By 2025, we aim to systematically manage human rights impacts, monitoring, and remedy, in consultation with affected peoples, and assess quality of community relationships by priority bp sites and businesses, with plans for those under the threshold.
      bp We will support our workforce through fair wage and remuneration, developing and reporting 2025 and 2030 targets for fair wage and remuneration to be published in 2022.
      bp We aim to achieve a more diverse, inclusive workplace culture and employee experience, disclosing progress against 2025 DE&I ambition, implementing action plans to address priority disparities, and integrating DE&I into talent strategy.
      bp We aim to make customer experiences more inclusive by assessing the inclusivity of our customer experience, identifying priority disparities, and implementing action plans by 2025.
      C-Gate Consulting Group C-Gate Consulting Group will commit to guiding senior leaders through change and uncertainty prompted by innovation, transformation, and pivotal global occurrences fostering an environment of equity, inclusivity, diversity, and optimizing multi-generational- and cultural workforces.
      Office of the California State Treasurer We commit to helping people with disabilities realize the opportunity to save and grow their money in tax-advantaged accounts by increasing program enrollment in CalABLE by 250% by December 2030.
      Office of the California State Treasurer We are committed to providing a retirement savings program for private sector workers whose employers do not offer a retirement plan by aiming to enroll hundreds of thousands of actively contributing participants into CalSavers by 2023.
      CalPERS CalPERS is committed to Talent Management and Diversity. We plan to increase employee engagement survey score average related to diversity and inclusion by 1.6 percent annually (8 percent by 2022).
      Capdesia Capdesia is committed to a safe, healthy, equitable, and rewarding work environment by regularly reviewing internal and portfolio company HR performance for a "good" internal Net Promoter Score (NPS) with a three-year target of "excellent."
      CE-IV(Certainty in Venture) CE-IV is committed to fostering diversity and increasing the representation of African Female CEOs in technology start-ups on a global scale. Within our portfolio, our goal is to 20% female representation.
      What are you doing for a fair and sustainable economy? Share it with us.

      We invite leaders of every business, of all sizes and across sectors and geographies, to join us and contribute initiatives and actions to this platform. By sharing how you operate your business to support a more equitable and sustainable economy, you multiply your impact by helping others recognize actions they can take.

      Sign up now, and share your actions.

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      Leaders of every business, of all sizes and across sectors and geographies, contribute to this movement. What is your best idea or action for inclusive capitalism? Join us, and share it with our community.

      The Council for Inclusive Capitalism does not provide investment advisory services or products. Any statements located on our Site should not be construed as or relied up on as investment advice.  Please see our Terms of Use for more information.

      how to get the most from your search

      A variety of filters are available to help you find commitments most relevant to your company or interests. Our most popular categories are shown by default, and you can find more ways to sort by clicking the “Advanced Filters” arrow below the main filter fields.

      Filters can be used one at a time or in combination. Your results will become more specific as you add additional filters. The number in parentheses behind any filter category is the number of commitments to action with that topic tagged.

      About specific filters:

      Use the Search box to browse by any keyword, such as company name or an issue area you care about.

      The Sustainable Development Goals filter lists all 17 SDGs from the United Nations to which our members’ commitments to action are mapped. Check one or more boxes to find ideas for a specific goal or goals.

      The Priority Areas filter allows you to find commitments to action based on the World Economic Forum International Business Council’s (WEF IBC) four pillars for sustainable value creation. Each pillar has a series of themes within it. Choose a pillar for a broader search and add one or more themes for a narrower focus.

      The Industry, Region, HQ (Headquarters) Location, and Size help you search for commitments by the kind of organization that made them. Size of company refers to number of direct employees. HQ Location and Region can help you find companies that operate in places near you. Industry can help you find topics of interest aligned with your organization’s mission.